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Iskraline, Green Goblin


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Verfügbare Versandmethoden: Selbstabholung, Selbstabholer / Nachbestellung

Iskraline, Green Goblin


131 Shots Compound with different shapes and mixed effects.


Silver tail to Ti salutes;Brocade crown tail to brocade crown;Silver mines to Green Peony;Corolla mine to corolla blue;Silver mines to Silver Stars 

Silver mines to Green Peony;Silver mines to Silver Stars ;Red mines to Gold willow with Green strobe;Green mines to Gold willow with Red strobe

Green Tail to Purple Stars + Green Dahlia; Red Tail to Gold Palm + White Strobe; Blue Tail to Red Dahlia + Blue Dahlia; Green Tail to Gold Palm + Green Strobe; Red Tail to Brocade Crown + Rain 

Red Tail to Brocade Crown + Red Stars + Green Strobe; Blue Tail to Brocade Crown + Seablue + Gold Strobe; Green Tail to Brocade Crown + Lemon + Red Strobe; Green Tail to Brocade Crown + Green bright Stars + White Strobe; Silver titanium tail to Ti-salutes.

Hersteller: Funke Feuerwerk
Schusszahl: 131 Schuss
Effektdauer: ca. 90 sek.
Effekthöhe ca. 40 Meter
Kategorie: F2
Kaliber (mm): 25/30
NEM (g): 1718,10
CE: 1395-F2-0141

1.3 G

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